
Avengers Assemble

Season 1 (2013-2014)
1 Avengers Protocol Pt 1: Red Skull kidnaps Captain America to transfer his mind into Cap's body. Iron Man assembles the Avengers to fight Red Skull and MODOK to reverse the process. They succeed but Red Skull steals Iron Man's armor.

2 Avengers Protocol Pt 2: The Avengers return to the Mansion to save Iron Man's life with a new armor. MODOK and Red Skull arrives at the Mansion and MODOK uses microbots to mind-control the Avengers to fight each other. Iron Man destroys the microbots and the team stops the Red Skull's plot to set off a bomb in the Mansion. Red Skull and MODOK escape and the Skull forms a Cabal. The Avengers re-locate to the Tower. 

3 Ghost of a Chance: The Falcon saves the Avengers who are replaced by the Space Phantoms.

4 The Serpent of Doom: Doom gets hold of Ulik's axe after Ulik was defeated by Thor and Iron Man. Doom summons the Midgard Serpent. Thor believes he must sacrifice himself to defeat Ulik but Iron Man persuades him to send the Serpent through a rift instead.

5 Blood Feud: After discovering that the Black Widow has been turned into a vampire, the team travels to meet Dracula who wants Captain America's blood to heal his weakness. Dracula absorbs Hulk's blood but the gamma radiation in the blood attacks Dracula's weakness. The team heals Widow using Hulk's blood.

6 Super Adaptoid: Justin Hammer's Super Adaptoid mimics the Avengers' powers and skills and defeats the team. Captain America defeats the Adaptoid alone using his understanding of the team's abilities. Red Skull got hold of the Adaptoid while leaving Justin out of the Cabal.

7 Hyperion: Hyperion arrives on Earth to help the Avengers destroy a meteor. His methods to keep peace on Earth become too extreme as he tries to kill the Wrecker and the Avengers attack and imprison him. 

8 Molecule Kid: Hawkeye and Black Widow race to bring in the Molecule Kid without informing Iron Man. Captain America, Falcon and Iron Man came to discover the Molecule Kid and they defeat the Super Adaptoid who wants the Kid's powers for the Cabal. Molecule Kid is brought in by Nick Fury and SHIELD.

9 Depth Charge: Attuma leads his army of Atlanteans in an attempt to sink Manhattan. Hulk manages to hold up and return Manhattan to its original position and defeat Attuma.

10 The Doomstroyer: Dr Doom possess the asgardian Destroyer armor, which is wrecking Latveria. Thor recruits Loki's help to fight Doom and the midgard serpent. Doom came to his senses when he realizes he is causing too much damage. Loki tries to get Thor to sacrifice himself to defeat the serpent but fails. The Avengers sent the Destroyer away from Earth while Thor leaves Loki with the trolls. 

11 Hulked Out Heroes: While fighting the Blood Brothers, gamma energies released by the Hulk turn the Avengers Hulk-like. Black Widow and the Hulk use a pair of gauntlets created by Bruce Banner to turn the Avengers back to normal.

12 Avengers Impossible: The Avengers are fighting the Wrecking Crew when the Impossible Man arrives to make the Falcon the star of his own show. The Chitauri arrive to pursue the Impossible Man but Falcon devises a plan to defeat the aliens. The Falcon learns that being an Avenger does not mean seeking recognition.

13 Captain America and Iron Man disguises as Crossbones and Grim Reaper to infiltrate the Cabal. Their cover is blown but they eventually trick the Cabal to fight over Neptune's trident.

14 Hulk's Day Out: Captain America, Hawkeye and Falcon reconstruct events that lead to Hulk's amnesia. They meet Thing, Spider-Man and Glorian along the way. They eventually end up on the moon to help Thor fight a monster on the moon.

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